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title: ‘Who’ Produces Dreams In The Mind? [ Print ]

author : tianzc    time : 2015-8-5 10:46
title: ‘Who’ Produces Dreams In The Mind?
October 4, 2009
Ayad Gharbawi
''I have discussed in a previous paper, (see: Unknown Mental Entities – ume) how a person can for no reason whatsoever, move his arm. I asked: who ordered that arm to be moved? Now since Observer (Ob) wasnt aware of this event (Ev1), then some Unknown Mental Entity (ume) must have been responsible for the ordering of that event. I say unknown simply because, until now, we do not know what part of the brain/Mind orders events of this particular type.
Now if we look at dreams, we can discuss the following: who creates those vivid films? Here we can add the Unconscious (U) playing a role in the creation of dreams, but saying the Unconscious doesnt get us very far. Why? Because the Unconscious is, in itself, a black hole wherein our knowledge is very limited.
Notice that I am discussing those very elaborate, intricate dreams where emotions and colour and nuances are perceived and felt to be so powerful, subtle and deep in flavour and texture – just the moment we wake up. So, I am discussing complicated, emotion-filled dreams here.
If we ask the last question, on who creates dreams such as these, then we cannot say that it was an unknown mental entity that is flippant, simple in its essence, such as the particular (ume) that ordered the arm to move for no purpose (Ev1). The vivid dream (Ev2) is of a totally different category here, precisely because these dreams are so powerfully affective on our emotions and because they are so vivid in their intricacies.
So who is creating the (Ev2) with all their weird, terrifying and fantastic dimensions? Clearly, we can count here past emotions, memories that are known and unknown to the dreamer. These constituents of the Mind (CoM) play their part in the ultimate production of the dream in question, and we can record the existence of the (CoM) when discussing what created, or participated, in the creating of (Ev2). But there are also other mental factors, and here, I add that (ume) play a role here.
Why (ume)? Precisely because (ume) are activities in the mind whose origins are completely unknown to the person in question, and that is why, unlike the (CoM) which can be studied, with the (ume) we cannot write anything about them.
These (ume) create elaborate stories that seem to the observer that someone must have taken their time in thinking about them and in the creating of all the images and scenes in the dream. But, what role does time play within the production of dreams? Again, we do not know the answer here. But it could be argued, that (ume) can, perhaps, create elaborate stories for our dreams in no time it all; could they be almost instantaneous? That would fly in the face of common sense, but in the realm of the dream-mind, absurdities are far more factual than fiction!
So, we see that (ume) can create these highly elaborate and emotion-soaked dreams for the Observer in question.
What does all this tell us?
It is an indication, that within our mind, Unknown Mental Entities (ume) can be highly independent entities that can be highly artistic, creative, suggestive, frightening and any other emotion that exist within the constituents of the observer in question.
That is another suggestive path that our Minds are not a unitary entity at all. (See: The Unity of the Mind paper). If we were to discuss (ume)-created events such as an arm moving for no reason, (Ev1), then there would be little for us to be fascinated about. However, when we discuss the creation of the (ume)-created dreams we have been seeing, (Ev2), then clearly the Mind does have a vast degree of entities that think, imagine and create stories and emotions and, without any knowledge from us as to where these entities are coming from.
Are these (ume) part of our sense of the I within us? Or, the sense of Self-Awareness? Or are these (ume) a part of our sense of our Self?
Or, are they so independent from us so as to make them an entirely other different person within our Minds?
In reaching this field, we must use so many apostrophes when employing words, because, once again, our language is so brittle when discussing concepts of the Mind, the Self, Consciousness, Quantum and so on.
And, if we accept that there exist other persons in our Minds, doesnt that mean we are people who have multiple-personalities?
It depends on the degree of the effectiveness of these (ume), since if they were so powerful so as to, at times, control the observer in question, then our answer would be, yes, such people do have different, independent personalities. But, when we discuss a person who has these (ume) and they only affect him/her mildly, (such as when dreaming), then we can say that yes, there does exist other independent persons or mental entities within the Mind of the person in question, but they are not controlling that person like in our first example.

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